Note pitch specification

Note pitches are usually specified by letters ranging from normalshapemediumseriesa to normalshapemediumseries z for those which are usually written under the G-clef (normalshapemediumseriesa corresponds to the A of nominal frequency 222.5 Hz; the G of the G-clef is denoted normalshapemediumseriesg). Lower pitch notes are specified using upper case letters ranging from normalshapemediumseriesA to normalshapemediumseriesN (the F of the F-clef is denoted normalshapemediumseriesM, and normalshapemediumseriesF is one octave below).

If necessary, a numeric symbol can be used to place a symbol independently of the active clef.

Besides, notes below normalshapemediumseriesA (i.e. the A of nominal frequency 55.625 Hz), namely the lowest octave of the modern pianos, can only be coded using the transposition features (see below: transposition and octaviation) or in absolute vertical position using numbers.